Elevate your
Leadership +
Expand your
(especially when it's hard!!)
If your reactivity is causing more harm than good,
then you've landed exactly where you needed to!
The world’s rapid evolution and uncertainty, especially post-pandemic, is heightening stress and affecting our well-being.
We’re navigating uncharted waters with limited tools, often defaulting to survival modes that keep us from being and doing our best.
Sustained change begins within and extends to others through our presence and influence. That’s why it’s time to reframe our approach to life and leadership, to focus on the immense power of human connection and collaboration.
Doing the inner work to BE a conscious leader is the only way to sustained change.
We constantly battle stress, burnout, and self-doubt. Whether it’s work-related pressures, challenges with a partner, parenting struggles, or our own limiting beliefs, these energy drainers can feel overwhelming. And sometimes ...unconscious!
The faster we transform these challenges into opportunities for growth, the more empowered and fulfilled we become. Conscious Leadership offers the tools and practices needed to make this transformation a reality.
Chaos To Clarity:
Your 6-week
Journey To
Conscious Leadership Accelerator (CLA) is a live 6 week online programme, where you’ll learn and practice the neuroscience and mindfulness of leading (and living) well from within. AND you'll connect with others navigating the same journey at the same time so benefiting from all the collective wisdom and community.
CLA is a toolbox of practices, combined with a group learning process that will create integration of learnings, accountability to practice, and a support system that multiplies your opportunities to grow.
Through this experience you will....

Tap into the intelligence and wisdom of your heart to access dormant wisdom and intuition

Develop the habit of self-reflection and track your evolution as a conscious leader

Build an internal toolbox of practices to regulate your nervous system + alchemize stress

Live more into your desired future instead of the programs of your limited past

Learn to leverage your own neuro-plasticity to establish new practices to increase inner peace

Tap into your creative power and potential to bring your desires to life

Co-regulate and Co-create with like-minded/hearted humans

Diminish the power of triggers and/or challenging people through mindful awareness and presence
“Leadership Is Not A Role But A Way Of Being,
An Act Of Influence.
You Cannot Not Have Influence.”
- Dr. Danny Friedland
⭐ "This 6-week Conscious Leadership Accelerator program really is life-changing. I wanted to have an 'ease and flow' way of being regardless of what is happening around me. The more I ‘resource myself’ to keep my physical energy, mental focus, and mood elevated… the more I experience greater challenges as ‘blips.' And the quality of my presence is so important in every conversation I have. (Including the conversations I have with myself!)"
Terri Werner, Energy Flow Consulting, LLC
⭐ "Out of all the workshops I've taken over the last 10+ years, this has been the most practical and the one that has impacted me, my family and my clients the most."
Reizel Larrea-Alvarez"
⭐ "I have noticed that my mind and heart have felt disconnected due to a prolonged period of stress for the past 4 years (probably longer). My nervous system has been on alert for a really long time. Conscious Leadership Accelerator brought awareness to the parts of me that need to be tended to. My heart is asking for more attention, compassion, and acceptance and I get to apply the resources shared in our Conscious Leadership Accelerator to expand my heart capacity."
Taryn Laakso
⭐ "In a world where we have a million opportunities to DO things that may or may not matter, I appreciated the opportunity and continual encouragement to BE myself and BE present, and ask myself 'What matters most?'... for often times it's not what is on the to do list."
Cynthia Gene Maloney, CPQC, CECP, CEOS
What is the Conscious Leadership Accelerator programme?
THIS groundbreaking CLA programme explores the nexus of neuroscience, mindfulness, and breathwork to elevate influential leadership....
Leadership training like no other..
Start within
Have a strong desire for personal transformation.
Cultivate a deep awareness of your reactivity under stress.
Do the practices to rewire your inner world to enhance presence and influence
Explore the science
Understand the neuroscience of reactivity and creativity
Identify and shift unconscious reactions that undermine relationships and influence.
Learn the importance of somatic leadership and why learning without practice does not sustain change.
Learn the practices
Adopt a system of mindfulness to transform your inner world.
Acquire over 15 practices for your conscious leadership toolkit.
Utilize the power of breath to pause, notice, and choose.
Elevate Our Interactions
Learn to ask generative questions to bring out the best in yourself + others.
Understand the science and leadership behaviors that create Psychological Safety, the top quality of effective teamwork.
Be a life-giving leader who maximizes others’ potential.
Influence at Scale
Understand the ripple effect of your energy and influence.
Step out of the ego-centric model of leadership and into the eco-centric approach
What's included?

📽 30+ Self-Paced Micro-Training Videos inside of an easy to use platform
Review & go deeper with Awakening Conscious Leadership content with daily videos – about 10mins a day that will deepen your learning on CL. You can consume when and where you like, at your own pace. Includes interactive worksheets
Daily Themes:
Monday - Science
Tuesday - Mindfulness
Wednesday - Heart
Thursday - Breath
Friday - Inquiry

💻 18 Weekly Visioning & Learning Group Experience Zooms
Weekly Connection Experiences – where you will integrate learnings and create a vision for your next week, to accelerate your healthy relationships with each other. 60 Minutes - Facilitated by Rhonda
Mondays: Conscious Visioning & Practice Planning
Wednesday: Space Holding for Practice & Journalling
Fridays: Active Learning & Appreciative Inquiry

📝 Daily Conscious Leadership Journaling Pages
Self guided CL Journaling Prompts so that you can continue your CL journey at your convenience. These are the fewest number of questions we can ask ourselves in a day that will accelerate our CL journey. We’ve done it for you! I will send you a beautiful bound journal for this!
💥 Bonus
Recordings of three, 10 minute, done-for-you Guided Practices
Hardcopy 6 week Journal mailed to you, FREE
What makes CLA different?
Most attempts at personal change fall short - self help books, training courses and lots of being told what to do!
Often they lack the necessary practice & review to create real habit change
The teaching doesn’t leverage experiential learning theory
The opportunity to leverage the power of group learning experiences is missed
CLA solves these problems by:
Repetition - daily teachings and practices lead to habit change
Integration - space and time needed for true learning
Collective wisdom - what the xchange approach enables
Hear From Change Agents Like You
⭐ "I appreciate the dramatic difference in my internal world between when I began and now. How much the community and the practices walk together with me creating such a marked difference compared to when I do it on my own!"
Derek DeVelder, Executive Director
⭐ "This powerful container is designed with such meaningful intention creating the space for reconnection of head and heart, generative connection with fellow travelers, and the much needed space to embody the practices. This is what the world needs now."
Angie Krenz, Director Conscious Capitalism
⭐"CLA is a container that creates the pause that I need to be my best version of myself! Learning and implementing together with others doing ME-search helps me grow each time I participate."
LaSchelle Low, Transformational Life Coach
Problems that Conscious Leadership Accelerator (CLA) solves...

The debilitating, harmful effects of stress & burnout
Harm caused by thoughts and behaviors that are unconscious and reactive
Loss of meaning and purpose in our life & work
Disempowering experiences of navigating change, overwhelming challenges
Inability to think creatively (reacting) in the face of complex problems

Inevitable conflict that results from navigating continuous change
Unintentional harm we cause when we are unconscious in how we interact
Inability to stay in relationship, while navigating creative or collaborative tension
Personal triggers, history and baggage getting in the way of effective communication

Organisational / Other
Failed attempts at personal and professional leadership development
The common outcome of a culture of “shared victimhood”
Inability to tap collective creativity and capacity, in a changing environment
Turnover of talented people, who will naturally move away from energy-depleting workplaces
I'm Rhonda, your guide

I'm a transformational coach and facilitator, dedicated to supporting purpose-driven leaders and other humans.
After spending 25 years in corporate (where I did a great job of hurting myself!) I now combine my professional expertise, with a heartfelt commitment to redefine how we unlock potential at scale through transformational learning experiences.
By unifying various disciplines – including neuroscience, mindfulness & positive psychology - I offer comprehensive, science-backed gatherings to foster awareness, connection, and high performance.
I have an unapologetic authentic, informal and engaging style, to encourage widespread learning, deep human connection, and an instant sense of community.
Because sometimes what you really, really, really need is a highly qualified and equally compassionate person to help you discover what really works when we're talking about effective conscious leadership, of self, others and teams.
This is what I'm really good at!
And introducing Adair...

I’ve always been a restless adventurer – traveling, exploring, and seeking the next big thing. When life forced me to be still – through a pandemic, divorce, single motherhood, and the tragic loss of my daughters’ father – I learned to cultivate inner peace and presence through contemplation and reflection, weathering the storms.
Drawing upon breathwork, meditation, journaling and radical self-care practices, I guide people to slow down, process emotions, and trust that life is happening for them and not to them. Because life is busy, hard, complicated AND we can still make it beautiful + profoundly purposeful.
Adair really IS the heart & soul behind this 6-week Awakening Conscious Leadership Accelerator (ACLA). Her certifications as a Heartmath Resilience Trainer and PSYCH K® certified practitioner allow her to deeply understand and embody the science, spirituality, and practices behind what she teaches, making her a sought-after trainer and coach in the field of Conscious Leadership. I can't wait for you to experience Adair's wisdom, energy and passion in every training video and guided practice!
Invest In The Conscious Leader You’re Meant To Be
Time - 6 weeks and 3 sessions a week MAY sound like a lot of time.
In fact, cumulatively, it constitutes about 2% of your awake time for the duration of the programme.
Considering that your stress and reactivity are costing you an average of 25% 0f your time, energy, effort and productivity..., this 6-week investment will save you for years to come!
Think about how little time it will take to get massive results - you can invest 2% of your working week so that the other 98% of your working week is better!
According to a 2016 study by the American Psychological Association, workers reported spending an average of 31 hours per month being unproductive due to stress. This equates to nearly one full workday a week! Sh*t!!!
Reactive behavior = leaky energy; leaky energy = time suck!
One time payment $597
Early bird pricing $477 (20% or $120 discount available using code OMM25EARLY)
This Is Stress
Even If You've Normalized It...
❌ Being irritable and short-tempered with loved ones because you're stretched too thin
❌ Worrying about work and feeling like you can never disconnect or relax
❌ Struggling to fall asleep because your mind won't shut off
❌ Lying awake at night ruminating on problems
❌ Rushing from one thing to the next without breaks
❌ Feeling like there's never enough time in the day to get everything done
Join CLA to
turn your stress
into your ally
In this 6 week course + community you will...
✔ Develop practical habits and science-backed techniques to enhance your effectiveness, resilience, and decision-making as a leader
✔Leverage neuroscience insights and tap into your innate wisdom to navigate challenges with more ease, unleash creativity in less time, and improve your relationships
✔Collaborate with a supportive network of like-minded professionals to accelerate your growth, success, and ability to thrive in an ever-changing world