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Three Ways to Find What's Most Important to YOU


1. Try the Hedgehog principle from Jim Collin's book Good to Great (actually originally from a Greek parable that states, "The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." The parable states that the fox uses many strategies to try to catch the hedgehog. ... but the hedgehog, however, simplifies the world and focuses on a single, overarching vision, which they then achieve).
The intersection of three circles is the sweet spot:
 PROFESSION: what are you good at doing?
 PASSION: what do you love doing?
 MISSION: what does the world need (and would be prepared to pay for!)?

2. Walt Disney exercise
Apply no filters, cast your mind back to what you did as a child and lost time doing, when you were 'in the flow'. Write everything down as if it was a REAL possibility. NO FILTERS or stop signs or buts or maybes.

3. Free form
If you choose to avoid hedgehogs and mickey mouse, ask yourself straight out: If there was no need for money, if you didn’t have to pay the bills by doing it, what would you do? Then Google it. Explore it. Enrich and expand your knowledge one step at a time. Find the answers in your gut, not your head. And just admit it. Even if it’s embarrassing to admit it!

If you'd like MORE help with this - click on link at bottom of page to get free Creating Life on Purpose resource.  True - its FREE! :)


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