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Conscious Leadership | EQ | Resilience

Coach | Facilitator | Wife & Mum

all in this

We're navigating unchartered waters

LIFE IS BUMPY, messy and full of uncertainty. Plus we're navigating volatility, the effects of hyper connectivity... and more recently Mother Nature's wrath. 

It may feel like 'everything' is changing at a rate faster than you can adapt.  Which can make the responsibility to look after yourself, as well as others, overwhelming. 

Add to this your own personal blocks, beliefs, biases and bruises - and you have a cocktail for stress, sabotage and suffering!  Sigh.

It's Us
You + Me

It's not just 'you'

We’re navigating uncharted waters with limited tools, often defaulting to survival modes that keep us from being and doing our best. 

Often WE want things to be different, we want to be leaning into living, loving and leading more consciously, authentically and fully.  But we don't know how or what to change, and we get stuck in cycles of reactivity, self doubt and 'wishing' for things to just magically change! 

Which means when ‘life happens’ we might resort to retail therapy, giving up, or a 10am martini. But shoving it down, sideways or to someone else doesn’t help!

We can't change what's going on around us.  But we CAN become more conscious of what is going on inside of us, between us and around us - and learn to lead from the inside out.

Becoming an island of sanity in a sea of chaos is THE SKILL of our times.

the way we
lead +
learn +

Inside-out Conscious Leadership changes lives

"TRUE LEADERSHIP begins from within.

Leadership Isn’t About Having All The Answers —
It’s About Fostering An Inner And Outer Environment
Where Challenges Are Met With Equanimity And Creativity.

Sustained change begins within and extends to others through our presence and influence. That’s why it’s time to reframe our approach to life and leadership, to focus on the immense power of human consciousness, connection and collaboration.

Doing the inner work to BE a conscious leader is the only way to sustained change.

By first cultivating our own character, emotional operating system, values, and purpose we’re able to lead from the depths of our own authenticity, empathy, and self-awareness. This creates a ripple effect that transforms the way we learn, lead and love but also the world around us."

You've tried everything, with no real change - IT IS TIME to live, lead and love consciously + show up for you and those you love + serve

What I do in less than 2 minutes... (and 3 slides)

What does
learning to lead
yourself from
the inside out

There's no separation between how we describe what's going on 'out there' and what's happening 'in here'

Our self awareness, our authentic leadership, our level of emotional intelligence + our capacity to cope (resilience) when life 'throws up on us' are absolutely positively crucial for personal effectiveness, leadership and team effectiveness. 

Because if everything that's happening around us is also happening, between us and within us, and the ONLY thing we can control is what is going on INSIDE our head and hearts, then clearly this work of conscious leadership is the most important work we can be doing right now.


  • Whether you're a business leader or owner wanting to help your staff 'be and feel better''...

  • Or you're wanting to lead and role model more authentically...

  • Or if you're wanting to start a new chapter (volume?) of your life...

  • Or wanting to partner with someone as you navigate your work, relationships and curve balls

  • Or you quite simply want to get out of your own way and get some 'sh*t done...

I can support you. 

And I'll LOVE doing it too!

No BS and no One Size Fits All.

You've tried everything, with no real change - IT IS TIME to live, lead and love consciously + show up for you and those you love + serve

Ready for some good news right about now?

You're not alone in your struggles

Things can be different

You and those you spend time with deserve things to be different...

This is why I do what I do! 

for you?

Commit to BEING Conscious + Change

What areas of your life would benefit from you leaning into learning, love + leadership more fully and authentically?

Perhaps the scariest question is

What's the cost of doing nothing on your performance, relationships and overall human experience?

When you make a commitment to change – rather than just keep wishing things would be different – anything is possible.

  • Better relationships (because you’re present in them!)

  • More open minded, creative and resourceful

  • A more positive outlook. Even happy.

  • Have a more balanced perspective of the world (and the people in it!)

  • The ability to solve problems, make decisions, give and receive feedback

  • Create fresh, resourceful habits of behaviour

  • Higher performance and productivity, more engagement at work

  • Reduced stress and anxiety levels and conflict

  • Values and strengths aligned behaviour

  • Healthy responses to challenging people and situations

  • Resilience and ease around the inevitable struggle, failure and confusion that a human experience guarantees. 

I invite you to think about it - what would having less reactivity and more calm mean to you, those you love and those you serve...
You want to lead, love and live more consciously - do more good than harm to your own human experience, and your influence on those around you.

What is

Great Question.

THE OUR MINDS MATTER FRAMEWORK aims for transformation - healthy change for the long term. Transformation means shifting you from where you are to where you want to be, in a way in which you get to keep you hair, your job, your marriage and your sanity.  With awareness, clarity and tools that will last much longer than the coaching or workshops!

That's because you'll learn how to lead yourself from the inside out, so when (not if) the rough stuff arrives, you can navigate that part of your human experience with ease and calm and even thrive because of it!

WHAT I DO IS TRANSFORMATIONAL because step by step, you: 

  1. Unlock your biases, blocks, beliefs and bruises

  2. Gain clarity about how to better manage and accept these - and get out of your own way

  3. Can cope magnificently when (not if) 'life' happens

  4. Integrate what you know with what you do

  5. Programme yourself more effectively for success and create new resourceful habits of thinking, feeling and doing, without me!

  6. And achieve your goals!

Boom, a better human experience!

Conscious Leadership

Emotional Intelligence


The OMM Framework

Conscious leadership because when you start with 'self' you take ownership of your own fallibility, reactivity, influence, growth + human experience.  You'll become less stressed, less reactive and less judgemental.  You be more aware, more accepting and more proactive.  You'll develop the habit of self-reflection and track your influence as a conscious leader on yourself, others + the world - because there is no separation between what goes on inside us, between us and around us! . And from this place you become capable of inspiring and influencing others.

Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, equips you to understand and manage your own emotions effectively, and to hold space for others with empathy and compassion. The knock on effect is stronger relationships, better communication, and greater collaboration. Less angerm, reactivity and resentment all round!  You can navigate conflicts, inspire teamwork, and make more informed decisions, which contributes to your, your family and the team's, success. It's not surprising this is the #1 skill being sought after in leaders now.

Resilience is our ability to bounce back to a better place after adversity or failure.  It's about building an internal toolbox of practices to regulate your nervous system + alchemize stress. Because life without resilience make us prone to depression, anxiety, poor physical health, overwhelm, even burnout.  Plus research shows that almost 50% of kiwis are stressed ‘nearly all the time’ and half of us are suffering with chronic stress in silence.  Clearly building resilience muscles is going to make a difference in all areas of our life!  Its a key skill we all need because none of us is immune to adversity. “Life happens". COVID 19 was proof of that. 

You Need to Know


  • Yes it's going to get messy, takes commitment and it won't happen overnight.  But it's worth it!

  • Yes there are many ways to do/feel/be different. But the best start is partnering with someone.

  • Yes there are 'quick fixes' out there. But the results are quick to disappear too.  The most transformational change happens when you get real awareness of what's going on beneath the surface : how can you be/do/feel different if you're not aware?


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